/ / / / / / / J's Racing Steering wheel (Universal)
Steering wheel for Kia Sportage (2010 - 2015)

For all the J'S RACING fans. J'S RACING WAZA Steering
In order to devote yourself to the sport driving, J's Racing has released a new universal steering wheel under the new brand name “Extreme Racers”.
With the uncompromising attitude, we co-developed the product with the Italia ATC company.
The 325mm steering size was chosen for quick movement which is indispensable in the motor sports.
The grip with the increased thickness fits your palm perfectly and minimizes the fatigue even at the long time sport driving. The steering wheel has a very high rigidity which can transfer the accurate information from the vehicle movement.
The Type F version has a simpler flat shape with keeping the steering position very close to the stock (the steering position may change depending on the vehicle model and the type of boss used).
By supporting the steering wheel with the palm on the flat type spoke, the driver can concentrate on and feel the precise vehicle movement. This is the steering wheel which can provide the driver a very fine tuned maneuvers.
This product is universal.
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