/ Quixx Scratch remover (Universal)

Scratch remover for Chevrolet Cavalier (1985 - 1998)

Scratch remover
Exterior, Cleaning products
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Het probleem:
Op voorwerpen van plexiglas komen zeer gemakkelijk krassen en daardoor zien ze er vaak onooglijk uit. Erg hinderlijk is dit bij plexiglasdelen van auto’s, motorfietsen, caravan/ campers, boten, vliegtuigen en meubels. Maar ook op sierstrippen van wortelhout in auto’s komen gemakkelijk krassen.

De oplossing:
XERAPOL biedt een verrassend eenvoudige oplossing voor dit veel voorkomende probleem. Met deze nieuwe speciale polijstpasta kan de gebruiker zelf krassen snel en voordelig op do-it-self-manier verwijderen. Het plexiglas glanst dan weer als nieuw.

Removes scratches from acrylic and Plexiglas® surfaces

Acrylic or Plexiglas® … numerous objects in daily use are manufactured from these. Unfortunately, these materials are very prone to scratches and scrapes.

In the event, a quick and easy remedy is provided by our QUIXX Acrylic Scratch Remover, proven millions of times!

Features and benefits:

•Reliably removes scratches from acrylic and Plexiglas® surfaces of the car, motorcycle, caravan, boat, furniture and more
•Proven millions of times and one of the leading acrylic scratch removers
•Excellent results in various product tests of trade journals
•TÜV certificate for proven effectiveness
•Attains results in professional quality, also for deeper scratches
•Easy and quick application
•Application saves expensive repairs and provides value retention
•All-inclusive kit contains everything required for application
•Superior effect due to PDT (Plastic Deformation Technology)
•SRP: 9,95 €

Acrylic and Plexiglas® objects, e.g. rear lights, windows of convertibles, caravans, windscreens and covers for instruments etc., scratch very easy and, thus, lose their appearance and, thus, their value.

Using the special polish from QUIXX, these scratches can be easily, quickly and reliably disposed of: New from old! Thus, an expensive repair, or even replacement, can often be prevented.

The unique effectivity of the QUIXX acrylic scratch remover (former Name Xerapol) has been confirmed by the TÜV with a certificate and also reflects in the numerous prizes won in the trade press.

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