/ Megan Racing Toe kit (rear)

Toe kit (rear) for Bmw 3-Serie (E90/91/92/93 2005 - 2012)

Toe kit (rear)
Alignment kit, Suspension
Part Number
Megan Racing


BMW 3 Series E90/E92 06+ Rear Toe Control Arms
Car alignment is absolutely crucial when modifying your car. Alignment can effect every aspect of your driving experience, from straight line stability, under steer, over steer, acceleration, braking and tire wear. Although stock components allow slight alignments from the stock suspension settings, they often are not able to properly align the car after the suspension has been modified. From the factory, most cars are set to have understeer and for optimum tire wear at stock height; understeer is often undesired from a performance standpoint and almost all performance driven applications are lowered.

It is within this understanding that Megan Racing has unveiled our line of reinforced suspension arms that offer the strength and adjustment that any comptition vehicle will ever need. Constructed of high-strength steel alloys that offer durability, strength and yet remain light-weight, these control arms have been track tested for months in road race, autocross and drift events to assure quality and performance.
These Toe-Control arms allow for fine-tuned adjustments to the rear toe in/out setting of the vehicle. Toe is crucial for the straight line stability and behavior of a car and is said to have more of an effect than the front toe.

This product fits on following car models:

  • Bmw 3-Serie (E90/91/92/93 2005 - 2012)

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