/ Jdm Option Dvd Volume 34 (Universal)

Dvd Volume 34 for Bmw 1602 - 2002 (1966 -)

Dvd Volume 34
Dvd & video, Media - dvd/video/magazines
Part Number
Jdm Option


JDM Option Volume 34: D1GP Fuji Drifting Dry & Wet / Epoch Car (Custom Build) Match

Fuji Speedway is the only track that has been used twice this season. There were many perfect 100 point runs in this crazy high-speed course. But things begin to get really get heated in the super close Tsuisou battles. The drivers and cars are both continuously evolving in the D1 series to the level of perfection. As it gets closer to the end of the season, the anticipation builds for the series finals and the overall champion.

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